Friday, August 19, 2011

Daily Mood Quotes - August 19, 2011

Daily Mood Quote
Day 108 – August 19, 2011

Your attitude can make a world of difference.
~Unknown Author

In the movie Forrest Gump, Forrest (played by Tom Hanks) said, “Mama (played by Sally Fields) says they was magic shoes. They could take me anywhere.” and in the movie, those shoes did take Forest everywhere, school, college, the Army, a table tennis champion, a shrimp boat captain and a dad. All because he believed what his mother told him. “Attitude: what you believe.” I believe attitude is the difference between a good day and a bad day. From relationships to raising children, attitude can guide your destiny. It is the vehicle that takes you where your going. And, like any vehicle, it requires maintenance, fuel and reasonable care. There will be days when your attitude will "run-like-a-top" and you will be achieving, moving and doing at the top of your game. Then, there will be days, where your attitude breaks down and requires repair, refueling and even a day of rest (reasonable care). When we ignore it, the breakdown can be far reaching and even more destructive than a purposefully bad attitude. A broken down attitude usually gives rise to feelings of failure, ineptitude and hopelessness. Hope is the very cornerstone of a healthy attitude. We talked about that in an earlier blog.

Yesterday, during a visit to a nearby school, I noticed the sign from which today's quote is taken. I wondered if the kids who walk through the school everyday notice the sign, or know what it means? I have heard from students that they don't read the signs on the wall, but I'll bet those signs just being there everyday with a positive message helps. I guess to the student body, it's just nice wallpaper. But environment does count and every little reminder conscious, or subconscious can act like attitude maintenance. That said, I also think that while in that “environment,” the school staff needs to restate and reinforce that positive attitude message, at every reasonable opportunity (this goes for parents too). But, temper it with a bit of common sense. If “Little Johnny” blows a test, let him know that grade counts and "that's that;" but there is always the next test to do better. I think these positive affirmation signs are awesome, but, we must also teach and display them in our behavior, for the positive affirmations to have any meaning. In our own lives that same position holds true. A person can surround themselves with positive reinforcement signs, comfort food and friends that offer solace; but in the end, its the doing of the "positive" that creates and maintains a positive attitude. Waiting for someone to give it to you, like walking by the signs on the wall, can only do so much. Don't get me wrong, attitudes are not “steady state” items. They bend and flow like the other rhythms of our life, but with a little effort, (maintenance) we can take those rhythms to a higher register and then even our bad attitude days will be better than most. “That's all I have to say about that.” (Thanks Forrest).

How will you maintain your attitude today?

Tune in tomorrow to read the daily mood quote
Thank you for reading

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