Thursday, February 9, 2012

Daily Mood Quotes - February 9, 2012

Daily Mood Quote
Day 252 – February 9, 2012

“Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance.”
~Unknown Author

As my husband has recently noted, “I've been dancing my tushy off” the past couple of months, I'm happy to have such a good dance partner to go through life with. You see  “Life's a dance” as John Michael Montgomery says in his song, Life's A Dance, you really do learn as you go. You don't have a choice. Not true, you do have a choice.

To be perfectly upfront, I have struggled to find words to describe the dance life has put in front of me and my husband. Until yesterday, I was trying to remember the recipe for Chicken Noodle Hotdish (or casserole in other parts of the world), and found myself saying things like a dash of parenting, mixed with a few bills, no that's not right, more like; a dollop of teenage attitude and a “double dose” (thanks Robert De Niro as Jack Byrnes in Little Fockers) of grad level homework...Wait a minute! I'm making hotdish here, “Recalculating!” (thank you Allstate Insurance. Those mayhem commercials have to be some of the funniest I've ever seen, so true to life lately) and start over again. Then it hit me, the past several months have been a recipe. A recipe for “overwhelmed.” That's what I've been; overwhelmed. I'm sure I would have figured this out earlier, but when your in the middle of one of life's hurricanes, it's hard to get any perspective, or catch your breath in the heavy winds.

Well, I needed to step out of the storm for a bit and get my bearings. I've been turned and twisted so many ways lately, it took a while to clear my head. Sometimes the best thing we can do, is step back and look at the whole picture (you got to be honest about the picture), make changes as needed and continue on. The last couple months have included two deaths, very intense classes, financial strain (I know President Obama says, our economy is getting stronger and hundreds of thousands of jobs have been created. Let me tell you, not where I live, job creation is an “epic fail” here), parenting, cold weather and planning for the future, everything we call “everyday life.” Can't do much about the deaths but accept and continue on; the intense classes are kicking my hiney, some of the toughest studies I have had to date and my vision is an obstacle. I can understand the material, analyze it, communicate it and write about it, I am struggling to keep up with the reading. My husband reads to me a lot and I spend a lot of time reading the e-books on the computer, font size increased to 185%. Unfortunately, text book publishers don't make audio books for colleges. I'm entering my last couple of months of grad school and it is some of the hardest work I've ever least until I start my PhD program. As far as financial strains, parenting, cold weather and planning for the future: As I said before, everyday life stuff. But, it just all popped up on us at once; like nasty weeds. All we can do is live it, live through it and pick through all the thorns and nettles one by one.

Sooo, we dance on and hope the tune changes for the better, or at least lets us slow dance until we catch our wind...

Hope will you dance through life's mayhem today?

Tune in tomorrow to read the daily mood quote
Thank you for reading.

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