Daily Mood Quotes
Day 209 – November 30, 2011
Midlife crisis is that moment when you realize your children and your clothes are about the same age.
~William D. Tammeus
Ouch, this morning I woke up feeling very midlife, not necessarily feeling old, just feeling on the road or path to old. Sore from arthritis, moody (thanks menopause) with an outlook of mun-dun-dane, depression and disappointment. One of the things that always comes to my mind when I am having these days, is how much I miss Minnesota. There was always something to do, no matter the season, and always a friend to visit, no matter the day. Here, where I currently live, well there's a reason I call it the “Ragged Edge of the Rust Belt.” I don't like it very much anymore, I did once a long time ago, but the things I have seen, the people I have met and the “your not from here” attitudes I have endured, can just be a bit too much after a while. I suppose I could simply not care, but I'm not built like that. I do care and that seems to be a lost art around here.
Don't get me wrong, there are lots of charities and lots of causes and lots of “involvement,” but it's clear that the reason behind it is not “I genuinely want to do good,” but more like “I want something good to put on my resume” and “I had better get some recognition for this.” Kind of a self-defeating concept. Anyhow, back to midlife, or middle age, or facing the prospect of getting older. I know it beats the alternative, but it seems like there's got to be a better way. Maybe it just that my mood today is a bit on the dark side, even though it is very sunny with a fresh bright coat of snow outside, I'm having a hard time seeing anything other than the negative today. My husband says, “that's the chemistry of your menopause working against you and even exercise isn't going to change that, until your hormones balance out. It's menopause and take it for what it's worth, even if you don't like the lesson.” My response, “so what's the lesson here?” He replied, “take it as an opportunity to learn better self-control” at which I almost threw a slipper at him (at least I thought about it). The urge was strong, but I realized he was right. Lets face it, he has three older sisters and has seen this before; a unique view of women for a guy to be sure. Although, I'm not sure he really appreciates the DéJa Vu experience. I'm not sure who the lucky one is here, me for having such an understanding husband, or him for having a wife who will “occasionally” concede when he's right. It's rare when a woman acknowledges that a man may have more insight into “women stuff” than a woman. But in this particular case, he has a point. So, I put the slipper down, and grumbled in agreement.
So, we get older, the body hurts a bit more and far more often. We wake up feeling like we carried a truck full of coal and on top of that, our hormones are making a mess of our emotions and mental processing powers. Middle-age with menopause is just a lovely time to be a woman. Its a double whammy and some days it just stinks, like today. The funny thing is, some of those aches and pains bring back memories good and not so good. Playing softball and the innocence of youth, or perhaps the auto accident I was in. I feel lucky that I have some pleasant youthful memories and grateful that the accident, though painful was not more serious. I have family who have not faired as well after auto accidents and I count myself truly blessed.
Well, I'll take my “self-control lesson” for what it is. Another step on life's path and grumble through the day. I know this will not last and eventually I'll be through menopause. I'll be past the hormone driven emotions and be able to pass to my children the new found wisdom and utilize the newly developed patience in dealing with people and events that might have precipitated a disproportionate response earlier in life. Yeah, menopause! Thank you to Jeanie Linders, the writer and producer of the off Broadway musical, Menopause the Musical. There is a lot of comfort in knowing I am normal and I am not alone...I have been welcomed into the “Sisterhood of Menopause.” Am I lucky or what?
This too shall pass...
What's on your mind today?
Tune in tomorrow to read the daily mood quotes
Thank you for reading.