Thursday, June 23, 2011

Daily Mood Quote - June 23, 2011

Daily Mood Quote
Day 50 – June 23, 2011

Hold your head high, stick your chest out. You can make it. It gets dark sometimes, but morning comes. Keep hope alive.”
~Jesse Jackson

I decided on this quote today because this week has been a difficult week for me and my family. Jobs we interviewed for (perfect interviews), decisions we made and every step we took seemed to be for nothing. We work very hard to keep our dreams alive and push forward, but every step we make seems to be greeted with a brick wall and a Monopoly™ card that says, “Move 10 steps back please, no one wants you.” I have been unemployed now for nearly two years. June 27, 2009 was my last day of work. I graduated from college with high honors in December of 2010 and yet, despite good interviews, still cannot get hired. My husband lost his job last August. Fortunately, he has an ability and a career that permits him to work freelance from anywhere. But, still it's hard to keep the attitude “onward, upward and ever forward” when things are tight and life can be very expensive.

My mother had a saying, “If things get any darker, I will need a seeing eye dog.” I wonder if she knew just how accurate that statement would be? I've noticed something, it is so easy to give up, be negative, and allow the behaviors of others to influence your situation and attitude. But, it only takes one person to smile, to believe to keep things moving forward without giving up. Every day is a new day, a new opportunity to hold your head high, keep on pushing past the memories to get to your dreams, to achieve, to succeed.

In the movie Erin Brockovich, (played by Julia Roberts) said to Ed Masry (Albert Finney), “I don't need pity, I need a paycheck. And I've looked. But when you've spent the past six years raising babies its real hard to find somebody who pays worth a damn, are ya getting every word of this down honey or am I talking too fast?” I have spent many years raising children. I also went back to school to get a current education B.S. Business Management (where I live that doesn't matter) and after two years of looking, still no job. I was offered a job by Macy's and told they would send over the paper work via e-mail, several days later, they rescinded the job offer through e-mail, no class there.  I had another job interview with a bank that had previously interviewed my husband and they told me, they have no men working in their marketing department and they like it that way. Isn't that discrimination? Well, at least I understand why my husband didn't get the job, he's a man. We considered suing for EEOC violations, but “two wrongs don't make a right.” Anyway, these are just two of the job interviews I have had. Other interviews got even weirder, with questions like, “Where did you go to high school? The implication was that it should be local. I've been out of high school since 1982, does that really matter? Seriously, these people need a life. Maybe I should take a page out of Erin Brockovich's book and just show up at a place and start...force them to hire me. It's a thought! Jesse Jackson also said:
Our dreams must be stronger than our memories. We must be pulled by our dreams, rather than pushed by our memories.” There ya' go!

How will you push through to your dreams today?

Tune in tomorrow to read the daily mood quote
Thank you for reading

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