Thursday, June 30, 2011

Daily Mood Quote - June 30, 2011

Daily Mood Quote
Day 57 – June 30, 2011

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. 
~Mark Twain

Today's Daily Mood Quote is a thank you. I want to say thank you to all who read Daily Mood Quotes regularly. I would also like to thank everyone for passing the link along, that is very kind of you and I appreciate it. Daily Mood Quotes is currently being read in 30 countries with good reviews.

It seems in today's world, despite all the advanced education and technology available to us, the simple courtesies of life have gotten lost. I would say a lost art, but that implies it requires talent. It doesn't. It requires respecting other people, no matter their station in life, their ethnicity, or cultural differences. Anyone can do that. So why don't we? I see this absence of respect and courtesy everyday, whether I am on the phone, online or in public. Self-involvement, without regard to others, seems to be running rampant. It sometimes feels as if people believe, because they have money, technology or both, they don't need anyone or anything else, including manners.

Image if these manner-less people went to a supermarket and no one was there to stock the shelves, or to provide the multitude of other services we use everyday. Suddenly, they would need them, wouldn't they? People often take too much for granted, including other people. It is amazing how a simple sincere “thank you” can lift the spirits of the people who receive it and the people who give it. It's a win-win. So, why don't we all do it? I don't pretend to know the answer to that.

No one achieves any kind of success without the help of others, somewhere along the line, no matter who you are or where you are, someone has helped you or provided a service that assisted you. It would seem that a simple thank you would be more than worth the time and effort. William Arthur Ward said (I am paraphrasing here), “We are given a gift of 86,400 seconds a day. Have you used one to say “thank you?”

I have looked diligently for a movie that spoke directly about saying thank you and being thankful and couldn't find one that seemed to fit the simple "thank you" I'm referring too. A lot of movies made reference to it: like, It's a Wonderful Life, when George Bailey (played by James Stewart) who was thankful to Clarence (played by Henry Travers) for showing him just how wonderful his life really was. So, no movie quote today, just a personal note to say “Thank you” for making Daily Mood Quote a part of your day and for being a part of the Daily Mood Quotes Family.

Which one of the 86,400 seconds today, will you use to say thank you?

Tune in tomorrow to read the daily mood quote
Thank you for reading

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