Daily Mood Quotes
Day 92 – August 3, 2011
The right to do something does not mean that doing it is right.
~William Safire
This morning on my Daily Mood Quotes Facebook Page, I saw a remark that made me wonder who is winning. They wrote, “I think ta survive u have to be a ruthless person.” I have always taught my children, “Two wrongs don't make a right,” sometimes you have to walk away and let the universe do its thing. I have witnessed the universe, a higher power, God, whatever your belief structure in action. Nobody ever really gets away with bad behavior; it creeps back into your life in ways you can't even imagine. Sometimes, its more profoundly and directly realized than the action itself. Here's an example: A woman in a grocery store we visited, was behaving badly towards the staff, and other customers. Her entire disposition displayed that she regarded others as if they didn't matter and it was their job to serve her. Needless to say, she offended many people. She left the store and loaded up her car with groceries, leaving the cart sit there. Then she went to leave, but found that her car didn't start. The battery had died. She exclaimed it was a new battery and the car was “just in the shop”. Nobody cared and no one stopped to help her. Well not exactly no one; my husband and I did, we believe two wrongs don't make a right. Sadly enough, she didn't even say “thank you.” She just hopped into her car and drove away. So, who do you think came out better in the long run for that experience? I have to wonder if she spent the rest of the day feeling guilty about not saying thank you, or did other “universal actions” continue to unfold, until she got the point?
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Character is higher than intellect.” You usually receive what you put out there. If you are a ruthless person, you will be treated ruthlessly. Maybe not by those around you in the immediate situation, but surely the cost will be extracted over time. If you treat people harshly, you will be treated harshly, this list and cycle can go on forever. I believe in the Golden Rule, “treat others as you want to be treated” even if they can not return the kindness, or the better behavior. It is a comforting thing to look in the mirror at the end of the day and know you have nothing to feel guilty about, something to feel good about... and you don't need to look over your shoulder to see if fate, or an enemy is closing in on you. Ahhh, that's a good night's sleep.
In the movie Spiderman, Uncle Ben (played by Cliff Robertson) said to Peter Parker (Toby Maguire), “This guy, Flash Thompson, he probably deserved what happened. But just because you can beat him up doesn't give you the right to. Remember, with great power, comes great responsibility.” We all have the power to be ruthless or not, to be selfish or not, to be a good example or not, regardless of what we do or don't do, responsibility for it will come around and there is no stopping it. It is just the way things work. Be careful your choices, you will have to live with them.
How do you choose to do right today?
Tune in tomorrow to read the daily mood quote
Thank you for reading.
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