Daily Mood Quotes
Day 141 – September 21, 2011
No period of history has ever been great or ever can be that does not act on some sort of high, idealistic motives, and idealism in our time has been shoved aside, and we are paying the penalty for it.
~Alfred North Whitehead
As citizens we have to be more thoughtful and more educated and more informed. I turn on the TV and I see these grown people screaming at each other, and I think, “well, if we don't get our civility back, we're in trouble.”
~Emmylou Harris
Why these quote? Why today? I am frustrated, yet not surprised at how easily people quit. By quitting, I mean striving for better, looking to achieve, doing more than just the minimum. It's funny, we celebrate our athletes for their achievement on the field. That is the expectation, but it seems as if that expectation exists only for those few select athletes on the field. People seem to expect much, much less of themselves. One only needs to walk through a Wal-mart, a mall or even a stroll downtown to reveal an overwhelming majority of people who have clearly little expectation of themselves. I'm not talking about money, it would appear that a lucky idiot can make money (I know a few). It is about how we carry ourselves, how we interact with others, and the complete disregard for others that is exhibited daily in today's society.
I'm not sure where, or how exactly we got so far off-track as a society. I'm sure that will be a point of discussion for historians in the future; that's not my point. But, I do feel that there is a direct connection between idealism and civility. I realize that there have always been those who couldn't care less, those who cared too much and those who sought to balance idealism and practicality. It just seems that as a whole, we have shifted to the “care less” at an alarming rate. So, I err on the side of idealism; at least as it pertains to personal conduct and appearance.
Seriously, it really bugs me when people exhibit lousy behavior in public and apparently take pride in dressing like they retrieved their apparel from a discarded trash bag on the side of the road (then climb into Hummers and BMWs). “I'm at a loss for words” (Thanks Ben Affleck as AJ from the movie Armageddon). Yesterday, I witnessed several events of public rudeness and overall slovenly behavior, in a short period of time, when I stopped into the store for a simple can of cranberries (someday I will use that grocery list). I was simply dumbfounded; I literally stood mouth open “shocked and shaken” for a moment. While entering the store a lady, dressed somewhat like the Bird Lady (Brenda Fricker) from Home Alone 2 and carrying a Gucci purse, shoved past me, nearly knocking me over, headed for the bakery section. My only thought was “Trust me lady, you've had enough!” Five feet tall and four feet wide can make quite an impression, moving at top waddle speed. Then on the way out of the store, a middle aged man pushing a cart, plowed right past a teeny, tiny senior lady with a cart full of groceries, myself and right in front of a car passing in front of the store. He never broke stride, looked left, or right (didn't they teach us all that in grade school?) and walked right down the middle of the lane to his SUV; completely oblivious to the cars pulling in, pulling out, driving the lane and trying to drop off passengers. I'm all for pedestrian rights, but that was just rude and stupid. Perhaps he thought himself important, or brave (that's delusional to say the least). I'm not sure, but stepping in front of a moving car is just plain dumb in most people's book. Like Colonel Willie Sharp, (played by William Fichtner) in the movie Armageddon said “Talk about the wrong stuff.” Perhaps he was so distressed by the prices, that he couldn't take it any longer? (that's one for another blog)
So, what the heck is going on? I believe that once our country put a man on the moon, we as a nation stopped striving and expecting better of ourselves (idealism). Then, inevitably without those goals to crisply polish our expectations, the corrosion of our civil behavior began to build, until where things like I saw yesterday have unfortunately become “the norm.” I realize life can get busy and some shortcuts are okay, but sloppy and selfish seems to have gone way too far. I still believe we are better than that as a nation and as a global community. I realize that there are also many people who are still courteous and dignified. Perhaps we don't see them hidden among the parade of men dressed like boys and women in expensive clothes, that look like they were chewed by Chester . When we do see those few intrepid souls, we should make note and thank them for holding us accountable regarding our behavior. Ms. Manners can't be everywhere, but use of good manners can. Okay, now I've gotten that out of my system; I feel better.
I don't remember what speech this was in, but I think it applies just as strongly now, as it did when he said it, “Today we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation's promise through civility, courage, compassion and character.” ~George W. Bush
It is a great quote...and a noble thought. Idealism and civility has to restart somewhere, why not here and now?
How will you be “courteous” today?
Tune in tomorrow in read the daily mood quote
Thank you for reading
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