Sunday, September 25, 2011

Daily Mood Quotes - September 25, 2011

Daily Mood Quote
Day 145 – September 25, 2011

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.”
~Willie Nelson

This morning I woke up feeling “blah.” These days don't happen very often, but they do happen. Let's face it, women have days of “blah.” I have often wondered if these days are built into our DNA, I'm not a scientist, so I don't know. I just know that when they happen, perception can be out-of-whack. The key to prevent a blah day from turning into a bad day is finding something positive, in the moments the blah feelings are the strongest. If you can't find the positive, find the funny, that works too.

For me today, I found this positive quote. Willie Nelson was one of the first country singer's I ever listened too. Many years ago, my husband introduced his music to me with his song, “On the road again” and somehow this song came on the radio every time my husband picked me up for a date. Hey, I found the positive in my “blah” moment. When I reach into my memories, I remember the wonderful times my husband and I had when we were dating, the feeling of falling in love, how everything was brighter, and the road ahead of us seemed to be ours for the taking. The road is still ours for the taking, but we don't move as fast as we once did, not because we don't want too, but because we see things differently. Still very much in love and keeping the positive (even during difficult and sometimes dark times), we continue to travel along the road of life... He's not just my husband, he's my best friend too.

My husband says men also have “blah” days and finding something to look forward too takes a little work, but it's worth it. Once you do that, then bit by bit, the day begins to feel a little better as it progresses. I guess everyone has those days, not just women. I apologize for the assumption. So, for the blah, bad and difficult days, I will refer to what Alicia (Jennifer Connelly) said in A Beautiful Mind, “I need to believe, that something extraordinary is possible.” Staying positive, finding the positive, even when you don't really feel like it, is the key. And, if you can't find the positive, find the funny. I recommend there's some “good, good, goooood” funny there! I love Peanut, he's the best.

How will you change a negative into a positive today?

Tune in tomorrow to read the daily mood quote
Thank you for reading.

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